Unlikely Hiding Places for Mold in the Home

Mold can grow quickly unattended. Give it the attention it deserves and eradicate it.

Did you know that mold can conceal itself quite successfully in the home in a myriad of unlikely hiding spots? Well it can, and the following are just a few reminders regarding areas in the home to check on a routine basis for the growth of mold spores.

Mold can thrive in crawlspaces and attics where there is a lack of proper light and ventilation to the outside. The area around a crawlspace is probably one of the least traveled areas of the home. If the crawlspace area is susceptible to humidity, there is a good chance that mold has set up camp there. The mold growing in these low traffic areas will grow and thrive virtually unchecked, and can start to spread to other areas of the home well before the homeowner has a chance to fix the situation. Check these areas to ensure that there is a barrier security from the prevention from access for rodents and critters, and stop a build up of condensation on the walls in these areas of the home to help prevent the buildup of mold in those regions and living spaces.

Another often overlooked area is the HVAC systems of a home. Mold can grow in air conditioning units, air ducts, heating and cooling ducts, near wood stoves and fireplaces, space heaters or anywhere that humidifiers or dehumidifiers are used frequently in the home. It is a good idea to frequently check these areas for mold spores, to stay on top of any mold growth in these regions of the home. If mold does have a chance to grow in or around an air duct, it can then spread easily from one room to another in the home.

Dust and lint can hold, grow and carry mold spores as well. Most people don’t realize this, but it is true. The dust and lint that accumulates in carpets is highly susceptible to also becoming a virtual magnet for moisture – and mold loves anything wet! Frequent vacuuming and dusting may help alleviate the lint and dust bunnies, and will help to prevent the growth and spread of mold as well.

A final place to check for mold in the home is behind furniture that is pushed up against a window. In those areas, condensation can drip down the wall, and become trapped behind furniture that is too close to a window. Keep all furniture a few inches away from the wall in all of the rooms of a home, but especially around window ledges. Also, be in the habit if possible to move furniture on a regular basis, to check for any water damage to the walls, condensation that has dripped down to collect on the back of furniture, and any mold spores that are beginning to get a firm grip on the wall or underside of furniture in the home.

This list is a great place to start to look for mold in unlikely areas, and by rooting it out you can stay on top of it to prevent the development of mold spores in the home in unseen areas. Keeping track of mold will help to make your home environment an even safer place to live. Whenever you need assistance preventing mold after sewage cleanup, or a flooded basement, we are able to provide the flood restoration that you need and fast!

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